Designated Safeguarding Lead for In2Drama: Philip Waller, Founder and Artistic Director

  1. In2Drama Academy is held at Cranleigh Arts, a working Theatre with a well lit Dance studio, an additional work space, foyer, outside seating area, working café, Box Office and good toilet facilities.
  2. Children are able to visit the village in breaks, where responsibility lies with the parents or guardians. In2Drama holds no responsibility for these students and their actions at this time. Those students who choose not to visit the village are supervised by In2Drama staff on site.
  3. If any student feels uncomfortable or has any problems or issues whilst attending the academy, they are strongly urged to talk to the In2Drama DSL at the earliest time possible (Philip Waller, Founder/Artistic Director
  4. If there is a concern and the student does not wish to disclose information to the In2Drama DSL the student is encouraged to talk to any member of staff associated with the academy that the student feels comfortable with.
  5. In2Drama requests medical, SEN and any additional information such as emergency numbers prior to the commencement of the Academy, so coaches can plan accordingly.
  6. Students are to refrain from using inappropriate language that may offend those attending the course. However, there may potentially be content in scripts of a mature nature for older students, which coaches will contextualise to avoid offence. If students are particularly sensitive to such content, please advise the Artistic Director before the Academy week. Nudity, sexual content, inappropriate material or any content that would make students feel uncomfortable, is not included at the Academy.
  7. The academy is split into small age-related groups with high staff-to-student ratio in order to meet all the student’s needs.
  8. Students or Staff must never make physical contact with each other unnecessarily at any time.
  9. In2Drama has medically trained staff to deal with illness during the academy or any performance.
  10. In2Drama takes regular registrations and is always aware of the whereabouts of the students. This is particularly important in the event of a fire if any children were to be missing. The students are given an induction briefing at the start of the Academy, which includes information about the fire exits, procedures and evacuation point.
  11. In2Drama is training students to be aspiring performers and to become comfortable with audiences. This process is carefully monitored to ensure students are not faced with situations beyond their capability.
  12. In2Drama goes to great lengths each afternoon, conducting presentations for family and friends to demonstrate what the students have been taught each day. In2Drama encourages parents and friends to attend these presentations.
  13. Timetables are clearly posted on the In2Drama website for parents to see with timings and content of modules. If any changes occur the Artistic Director informs the parents beforehand.
  14. In2Drama, with the permission of the parents or guardians, as set out in the T&Cs on the website, is authorized to use still photographs or motion picture footage, recordings of students’ voices and names of students for advertising, publicity, commercial or other business purposes such as commemorative DVD production and stores images and videos securely. If parents would like to withdraw their consent at a later date, they are required to write to the Artistic Director  ( However, if the images have been used online or printed in a publication it will be difficult to recall. In2Drama is not responsible if a parent or guardian shares photographs or videos of other people’s children on social media. Parents, Guardians and staff of In2Drama are not permitted to film, take photos or record children on personal equipment.
  15. In2Drama takes any online abuse seriously and requires students to disclose any knowledge of this taking place.
  16. In2Drama Staff are contracted and are required to be DBS checked prior to the Academy week. Enhanced DBS checks are complete criminal history checks, and are a mandatory screening process for positions involving work with children and vulnerable adults, to ensure that anyone who presents a known risk to vulnerable groups is prevented from working with them.
  17. Students, parents and guardians are reminded prior to the academy via email of the importance of mutual respect, privacy, behavior expectations in order that all who are on the academy can have as best experience as possible. If required, students will be reminded as part of the T&Cs that if a student breaks this code of conduct, they may be asked to leave the academy with no refund.
  18. As shown on the In2Drama Website, the academy takes Safeguarding extremely seriously. If any formal allegations and complaints are raised, these will be followed up as quickly as possible by the In2Drama DSL and actions will be taken following advice from the local authority for the protection of all children involved.

In2Drama follows the guidance drafted by the Government's Department for Education on "Keeping Children Safe in Education".
*Please click here to open our In2Drama Children Safeguarding Policy For Community Groups PDF*

Any questions or queries regard safeguarding at the In2Drama Academies can be taken up with the In2Drama DSL:



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